Sunday, 14 December 2008

Computer Team Update

Here is an update on the Chipembi Computer Project 2009 Following discussions with the school, we have identified some key areas where the computer lab needs to be upgraded. From these discussions we have now set ourselves some objectives, which are given below.

The school have 35 Computers at the moment but we understand that only 12 of these are working. Saying these are working, we won’t know until we get there to what extent these are functional. It may be that we can salvage some of the other 23 if time permits. The lack of a constant power supply, we think, may be a reason that some of these machines have failed in the past but hopefully we can sort that. By providing 10 new machines we can network these and add up to date software properly licensed to the school.

We plan to do some “Housekeeping”!! - tidy up cabling, provide decent desks and chairs, provide good window coverings to ensure computer screens can be read and on the computers themselves provide a level of security (currently lacking) enabling teachers and pupils to log-on to their own areas of the system. All supported by specific training materials.

We may be able to add additional tasks to the list depending on budget availability.

Our key objectives are follows:

1. Provide 10 new PCs and load educational software

2. Provide power resilience against outages and ensuring that any data or power cabling is properly fixed and/or concealed.

3. Provide desks and chairs.

4. Provide window covering.

The Computer Team

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